Malcolm Anderson
Featured Projects
Here are a few of the projects I'm most actively working on, and/or are most proud of. In the past, I've made a lot more things, which I've included down below under "Other Projects".
Automaton GUI logo

Automaton GUI

September 2023 - present
A web app for building and verifying finite state automata, created as a capstone project for undergraduate students at Washington State University Vancouver
Portfolio Site logo

Portfolio Site

May 2023 - present
The website you're looking at right now!
Turnabout CA DMV logo

Turnabout CA DMV

April 2023 - present
A Bluesky bot that renders California DMV license plate applications as Ace Attorney scenes
Objection 4 logo

Objection 4

October 2022 - present
A program that renders conversations as Ace Attorney scenes
Countinator logo


April 2023
A web app for creating countup and countdown boards
POV You Forgot Your Duolingo Lesson logo

POV You Forgot Your Duolingo Lesson

January 2023 - April 2023
A parody horror game about what happens when you miss your daily language practice
Sneaksters logo


July 2019 - December 2021
A cooperative multiplayer game about stealing treasure
Other Projects
Here are more projects I've worked on over the years. I don't consider them milestones as much as what I've listed above, but I'm still proud of them!
Weird Lil Escape Room Thing logo

Weird Lil Escape Room Thing

August 2024
A very short escape-room game made in, like, 5 hours
Lost Phone logo

Lost Phone

July 2024
A visual novel and puzzle game made in 8 days
You Are Elon Musk logo

You Are Elon Musk

January 2024
A short interactive fiction story about a 13-year-old stuck in the body of a 52-year-old 12-year-old
Cornhole VR logo

Cornhole VR

January 2023
A basic VR adaptation of the classic outdoor game
You Are A Tesla logo

You Are A Tesla

December 2022
A small single-player game about Elon Musk
Don't Get Hit By The DVD Logo logo

Don't Get Hit By The DVD Logo

December 2022
A small single-player game about avoiding a bouncing DVD logo
BeepoVac Bustle logo

BeepoVac Bustle

May 2022 - October 2022
A small single-player game about cleaning a house
Vibrato logo


July 2022 - October 2022
A Unity package for rich controller haptics
VideoSync logo


September 2021 - July 2022
A tool for viewing Delta RMC plot data synchronized with recorded video
HP Site Flow Configurator logo

HP Site Flow Configurator

October 2021 - April 2022
A web application for configuring HP Site Flow factories
Sneaksters: Solo Mission logo

Sneaksters: Solo Mission

September 2021 - October 2021
A small single-player game about stealing treasure
Genni logo


October 2021 - December 2021
An easy-to-use app for using text-generation machine learning models
BeepoVac Attack logo

BeepoVac Attack

November 2021 - December 2021
A cooperative multiplayer game about cleaning a house
JoyConUnity logo


December 2021
Bindings for the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con + Pro Controller for Unity's Input System
Meme-O-Matic logo


August 2021 - January 2022
An engine for building images from templates
VideoSync Python logo

VideoSync Python

May 2021 - September 2021
A tool for viewing Delta RMC plot data synchronized with recorded video
DMCPKit logo


July 2021
A Swift package for interfacing with Delta RMC motion controllers
InputHints logo


March 2021 - May 2021
A simple library for displaying controller input hints in Unity games
Fitcoin logo


April 2021 - May 2021
A virtual (non-crypto!) currency that rewards users for taking care of themselves
CalLog logo


April 2021
An app for tracking calorie intake and output
Tweetinator logo


March 2021 - May 2021
A web server and frontend for scheduling Tweets
Canvas logo


September 2020 - August 2022
A native macOS app for accessing the Canvas LMS
Clock logo


June 2020 - July 2020
World clocks, countdowns, timers, alarms, and stopwatches for macOS (pre-Ventura)
GameKit logo


April 2020 - September 2020
A basic 2D component-based game engine
uQlick logo


January 2020 - May 2020
A web app for improving student engagement in lectures
Doremi logo


December 2019
A Unity package providing support for multiple variations of seamlessly-looped music tracks
Zenith 2020 logo

Zenith 2020

February 2020 - March 2020
A native application for tracking rocket statistics, built for Clark Aerospace
sCargo logo


2018 - 2019
A smart mailbox that lets you check your mail from your Apple devices
RocketUI logo


April 2019 - January 2020
A program for tracking rocket statistics, built for Clark Aerospace
Zenith 2018 logo

Zenith 2018

May 2017 - January 2018
An augmented-reality mobile app for identifying nearby landmarks
© 2024 Malcolm Anderson